Our skilled team is dedicated to enhancing your well-being in the comfort of your home. Contact us for personalized and reliable home care services today.
Schedule in-home care
Schedule in-home care exactly when you need it Our Hourly Care program allows you or your loved one to manage a personal schedule, enabling us to be available at any moment to meet your needs. We create custom plans for our clients around the 24-hour day, adjusted according to our free assessment. Our solutions are not only cost-effective, but provide the highest value to our clients because they provide assistance when it is needed.
We are here to help when you need us
- On call 24/7 for clients needs
- Flexible and fast scheduling
- Regular quality assurance
- Thorough care management and family support
- Sense of community through events and networking opportunities, creating a supportive network for our staffs
Focus on providing personalized and thoughtful support that goes beyond basic care needs. Consider services that promote companionship, mental stimulation, and emotional well-being, creating a holistic and enriching experience for clients and their families. Additionally, explore opportunities to collaborate with other professionals, such as therapists or nutritionists, to offer a more comprehensive care approach.
Our Hourly Care Services
Personal Care
- Assisting with walking and transferring from bed to wheelchair
- Bathing, dressing and grooming assistance
- Medication
- Safety and fall prevention
- Toileting and incontinence care
- 24/7 Monitoring after a procedure or hospital stay
Lifestyle Support
- House keeping
- Meal preparation and nutrition
- Laundry and change of bed linens
- Grocery shopping and errands
- Transportation to social and recreational activities
- Assistance with exercise and outdoor activity
- Companionship and community engagement